Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Members at the 2006 National Convention

Phi Beta was pleased to welcome two new alumni members during the 2006 National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio, in July.

Josh Willett (pictured right) received his bachelor of music education from Capital University. He is a band director in Jackson, Ohio. He and his wife, Cora, recently welcomed two new additions themselves, their twins Ella and Lea.

John Clare (pictured left) is a classical music enthusiast, composer, and award winning radio broadcaster. Phi Beta was privileged to have Clare premier his work The Seven Deadly Cindys during the Convention, as a part of his modern classical music program. Clare is also the webmaster of Classically Hip.

Clare presents his original electronic work Carmen Fantasy during the National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 2006.

-Carrie Frederick, National VP Alumni

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